Posts tagged Bladder
Urinary Tract Infections: Safe And Effective Self-Care With Sound Waves

Treating a urinary tract infection (UTI) with home remedies may sound old-fashioned, but people have been using plants to heal since long before the advent of antibiotics. Some herbal treatments for UTIs have been shown in studies to be effective against specific bacteria responsible for infections.

Other herbs are thought to work by promoting overall urinary tract health. Sound frequencies can also help prevent and treat UTIs by naturally boosting immunity and cleansing your urinary system.

If you're considering using an at-home treatment for your UTI, learn which sound waves could be right for you. You should still consult with your doctor to be sure that your infection is indeed a urinary tract infection and not something more serious that requires medical intervention.

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The Unbelievably Effective Natural Kidney Stone Remedy: Sound Frequency Therapy – WAVWatch

Kidney stones are a solid mass made up of tiny crystals. One or more stones can be in the kidney or ureter simultaneously. Kidney stones vary in size from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a pearl. Some are even larger.

Kidney stones form when there is a change in the normal balance of substances in your urine. This change causes crystals to form from such substances as too much calcium oxalate, increasing the risk of kidney stones. The crystals or developing kidney stones grow larger, which can cause severe pain.

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