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Sound Healing Therapy: Protect Your Immune System and Prevent the Flu Naturally

Protect Immune System The Healthy Way With Sound Healing

There are a lot of things that you can do to keep your immune system strong and healthy.

You may want to consider sound healing therapy if you look for a natural way to improve your immune system.

It is an alternative medicine that uses sound waves to help heal the body. This therapy has been used for centuries to help people heal from various illnesses.

Sound healing can be used to help improve your immune system by helping to reduce stress. Stress can weaken your immune cells, so it is important to find ways to relax.

Sound healing therapy can also help to improve circulation, and it can also help to reduce toxins from your body.

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Build A Germ Barrier

Your primary goal should be to adopt good habits. Good health tips are the only way to keep toxins from affecting a healthy body. The body works best if protected from environmental assaults and supported by healthy-living strategies.

  1. One of the best things you can do is get plenty of rest. When you are tired, your body is more susceptible to getting sick. Make sure that you get at least eight hours of sleep every night.

  2. You should also eat a healthy diet. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables will help to keep your immune system strong. You should also make sure that you are drinking enough water. Water helps to flush out toxins from your body, and it also helps to keep your skin hydrated.

  3. Exercise is another great way to keep your immune system strong. Regular exercise helps to improve circulation, and it also helps to reduce stress. Stress can weaken your immune system, so it is important to find ways to relax.

  4. You can also take supplements to help improve your natural immunity. There are several different supplements that you can take that will help to improve your natural immunity. Some of these supplements include vitamin C, echinacea, and ginseng.

These are basic steps that can provide many health benefits.

Immune System And Age

As we age, our immunity capacity decreases, increasing the incidence of infections and cancers. Aging and health problems have increased across developed world economies as well as aging has increased.

Compared with younger people age well, older people are more vulnerable to infection than younger ones. Respiratory illnesses like influenza, the COVID-19 virus, and pneumonia have been identified as major causes of death in people over 65 worldwide.

Stress And Immune Function

The relationship between stress and immune function is complex. Stress can affect natural immunity in several ways. Chronic stress can decrease the production of lymphocytes, making you more susceptible to infections, so it is imperative to minimize stress and promote relaxation as much as possible.

During the past century, the medical system now recognizes the intimate link between mind and body. Many diseases like blood pressure and the nervous system can be associated with emotional distress.

Diet And A Healthy Immune System

Eating a nutritious diet is one of the most important things you can do for your health. A balanced diet can help to improve your immune system and protect you from diseases.

Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals that can help to boost your natural immunity. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables will help to keep your immune system strong. Healthy immune systems depend upon proper nutrition daily.

What Can You Do To Boost Your Immune System With Sound Healing?

We’ve found a way to protect your natural immunity from the flu naturally. In fact, it is even possible to prevent it at times! Most of us will inevitably get the flu at some time. Every year, between 3% and 11% of the population in the United States becomes infected with the flu and develops symptoms.

It can become a serious and life-threatening illness if you’re not careful. The flu (or influenza) accounted for 18 million medical visits, 405,000 hospitalizations, and 38,000 deaths during the 2019-2020 season. 

The Ultimate Natural Immune System Remedy: Sound Frequency Therapy

Have you heard of sound frequency therapy? This ancient practice therapeutic method links back to the ancient Himalayan tradition of using “singing bowls” and tuning forks to aid meditation and prayer. 

It might sound weird, but this method actually works to help support and even prevent the flu, relieve chronic pain, release tension and improve your overall well-being. And it’s growing in popularity!

We’ve written a full guide to sound frequency therapy here, but the concept is this: Our bodies are composed of different sound frequencies that help regulate everything from our moods to our digestion. When these frequencies become imbalanced, we can become sick or feel unwell. 

Sound frequency therapy uses specific, low-wave sound frequencies to interact and combat your unbalanced body— and our immune systems too! The benefits of sound therapy are backed by science, which makes it a popular preventative medicine alternative. 

The beauty of sound frequency therapy is that the frequencies are completely safe, non-invasive, and virtually free of side effects. That makes it a great daily method for preventing and treating common conditions stemming from suppressed immunity.

So how do you keep yourself healthy and flu-free this year? Keep reading, and we’ll show you or listen to the inventor Linda Bamber on Facebook Live here!

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A Daily-Use, Self-Care Sound Healing Device: The WAVwatch 

Not everyone has the luxury of visiting a sound healing therapist. That’s why personal sound therapy self-care devices like the WAVwatch are a great way to enjoy the benefits of sound healing. 

Here are the top benefits of using a sound frequency therapy device: 

  • They are portable and can be used anywhere

  • They help reduce doctor’s visits

  • They are natural & safe treatments

  • They help you feel energized & more focused

How To Use Sound Frequencies For The Flu 

With the WAVwatch, you can run specific frequencies designed to boost your immune response, which protects your overall health.

Here are some of the specific frequencies for the flu inside the WAVwatch: 

  • Influenza – Bird Flu

  • Influenza

  • Colds & Flu

  • Colds & Flu Combo

  • Colds, Chest

  • Cold & Flu

  • Colds

  • Colds 1

  • Colds 2

If you want to try these frequencies out, purchase the WAVwatch here.

The WAVwatch is designed for daily use so that you can regularly tap into the benefits of sound frequency therapy. Incorporating the WAVwatch into your daily routine could help prevent flu-like symptoms.

Prevent the Flu: Start With The Vagus Nerve Sound Frequency

The vagus nerve frequency is an exciting new addition to the WAVwatch. It targets your vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is a thin silvery cord that runs from your brain stem to the colon, acting as a communication superhighway.

It provides innate immunity, a defense mechanism for the natural immunity you're born with. It mainly consists of barriers on and in the body that keep foreign threats out, according to the National Library of Medicine (NLM).

Innate immunity is your body's first defense against infection and disease. It includes the skin, stomach acid, enzymes in tears and skin oils, mucus, and the cough reflex. The vagus nerve is, therefore, very important in keeping your body free from germs, viruses, and other invaders!

If you purchase the WAVwatch, you can run our Vagus Nerve frequency to help prevent any flu-like symptoms.

Janis provided this testimony after wearing the WAVwatch set on the Vagus Nerve Frequency: 

“I could feel slight electricity in my jaws, top of my lungs, an odor in my mouth, not taste, but smell and some sensation at various places on my head, frontally and near my eyes.”

Doris, a WAVwatch customer, told us that when she was wearing the WAVwatch for Bacterial Infections, she felt “a warmth and slight tingling” in her infected area.

Carolyn, another customer said, “well, my sinuses are great. Ear blockage is much less - yay!”

“I had a sore throat,” Salli said. “About 20 minutes into the WAVwatch session, I experienced a tingling sensation in my right knuckle. Later that day, I noticed my enlarged knuckle was decreased in size. By the way, I never did get strep throat!” Salli was thrilled. 

Once you have your WAVwatch, take it and find the Viral Immune Support frequency. This is under the Chronic icon category, then the immune system, scroll down to the Vagus nerve.

More Ways to Help Your Immune System

Supplements such as Vitamin D, C, zinc, and iodine for viral protection are great additional ways to help. But the WAVwatch has all these supplements built into it with the natural frequencies. 

We see you can use sound frequencies to fight against the novel coronavirus.

Physicist Ikwan Onwuka analyzed the frequencies of the coronavirus (Covid 19) and the enzymes that play a role in the duplication process of the virus. He then found that he could break the structures of the virus and enzymes by using frequencies with a resonance effect, thus inactivating the virus. If the virus changes, the frequencies may be adjusted as needed.

He also discovered that “drugs shown to be effective against Covid-19 patients have similar frequency ranges even though they are composed of different chemical compounds and elements.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What is sound therapy?

You can use sound healing to protect your natural immunity by using frequencies that support the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is responsible for keeping bacteria, viruses, and other invaders from getting into your system.

Can sound therapy heal you?

Yes! Sound healing therapy can help you naturally protect your immune system and prevent the flu.

Is sound therapy good for you?

Sound healing has many benefits, including reducing stress, anxiety, and pain, improving sleep quality, and boosting mood and energy levels. Sound therapy can also help to protect your natural immunity and prevent the flu.

Sound Frequency Therapy: Beyond the Basics

Protecting our health and the immune system is more important than ever - and basic personal hygiene may not be enough to avoid getting sick. That’s why personal sound healing devices are a great investment during flu season and year-round! 

Learn more about the WAVwatch and the benefits of daily sound frequency therapy for helping with common illnesses and protecting your overall health with 850 frequencies!

Learn More About Sound Healing Therapy On The WAVwatch Blog or Follow The Links Below.

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