A Guide to Sound Frequency Therapy and How It Can Help You


Sound frequency therapy helps with common issues like tinnitus, GI tract problems, tremors, knee pain, headaches, and more.

More specifically, the WAVwatch, the world’s first sound wave therapy watch, is helping to create self-care tools and is the device used in these stories. 

We shared a fantastic story about Jerry and Debbie’s transformation when combating kidney stones and how sound or audio frequency therapy can help remedy the adverse effects.

The list of ways sonic frequencies or low-frequency sound therapy can help with the body’s health issues and imbalances is astounding. Amazing testimonials keep coming in for how sound can even supplement some of the most powerful prescription drugs and well-known health solutions. 

In this guide, we’d like to give you a basic rundown of what sound frequency therapy is, how it can be used, what problems it helps with, and why it’s becoming a popular self-care tool for common health issues. 

What is sound frequency therapy? 

Also known as vibrational medicine or sound healing, sound frequency therapy is when low-wave frequencies penetrate cells in the body to correct common imbalances. It’s becoming a popular way to resolve issues within the body.


Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, Director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine at Cornell Cancer Prevention Center, says sound heals on a physical level because it so deeply touches and transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes. 

Sound healing and sound frequency therapy isn’t new. It’s been around for centuries. The New York Times explains that we have used soothing sounds and recordings, like waves lapping, waterfalls, and wind chimes, to meditate and become more relaxed - all to relieve stress and pain in our bodies.

Think of it this way: Every living thing in the world has a frequency; they all sing “songs,” and sit in an “orchestra.” Each organ system (fungus, viruses, emotions, etc.) sings it’s own song. With the resonant frequencies provided on the WAVwatch the tuning can be dialed in and certain songs fade to the background or stop ….intrinsically balancing our bodies

If you broadcast specific resonant sound frequencies, your body will absorb them, and different interactions may take place to correct imbalances. Common types of health problems are no different. There are specific sound frequencies that can target parts of your body and system. See our testimonies for real-life. 

How can sound frequency help me? 

Sound frequency therapy could be a solution if you struggle with any category of health issues, like kidney stones, headaches, carpal tunnel, tinnitus, and pain. 

Sound frequency therapy works when it shoots specific frequencies to the body. There are hundreds of frequencies to choose from. A partial list of sound frequency therapy categories is listed on our homepage here. This list spans from common pains to more serious issues. 

Below is a graphic of sound frequency categories. You can download a full list of the specific sound therapy wave frequencies by filling out the form below.


Meditation frequency sounds can help with all types of common health issues by slowly penetrating the body and correcting imbalances. As Dr. Mitchell Gaynor mentioned above, this can have a real physical healing effect. 

What health issues do sound frequency therapy help with?

Sound frequency therapy spans the whole health spectrum for what I could support. 

Frequencies target a specific area in the body. Below is an example list of some of the particular frequencies available within sound frequency therapy: 


  • Anosmia, Sense of smell

  • Anxiety & Anxiety Disorders

  • Dementia, Vascular

  • Dementia

  • Hyposmia, Smell partial

  • Mental Clarity


  • Cold & Flu Combo

  • Cold Head & Chest

  • Cold & Flu

  • Cold Head Chest

  • Cold Pro 1

  • Cold Protection 2


  • Ankylosing Spondylitis

  • Arm Pains

  • Arthropathy- Joint Disease

  • Arthritis

  • Backache

  • Dupuytren’s Contractures

  • Elbow

  • Frozen Shoulder

  • Herniated Disc

  • Hip Pain

  • Knee Pain

  • Neck Pain

Each one of these frequencies represents a health problem so many struggle with: from the basic cold and flu to knee and neck pain to more advanced issues like anosima and Alzheimers. 

There are even frequencies for skin and eye care! The list goes on and on. 

Where can I purchase a sound frequency therapy device? 

Sound frequency therapy has changed throughout the years. It has come in various forms and mediums—one of which being the Rife Machine. We went into more depth in this article. 

The Rife Machine is one of the best examples of a sound frequency therapy device. It emits its electromagnetic pulses through cells. It’s been proven as useful, but the major downfall is its price tag: $3,000+. 

Over the years, new technology has been developed, making sound frequency generator devices more cost-effective and streamlined. 

An example of this is the WAVwatch. The WAVwatch operates under much of the same technology and method but modernizes it with safer healing sound frequencies from 20-20,000 Hz. 

Unlike the Rife Machine, it’s in a small compact device that you can wear all day. The WAVwatch is essentially a new self-care tool to promote a healthy lifestyle. 

Better yet, the WAVwatch costs a whole lot less than the Rife Machine. Coming in currently at $497, the WAVwatch is hard to beat. 

The WAVwatch comes with over 850 unique low-frequency sound stimulation settings that address all the categories we’ve listed above. 

The WAVwatch, A Sound Frequency Therapy Device

Here’s how you use the WAVwatch and sound frequencies. 

Step 1: Choose a Frequency

Choose from over 750+ acoustical frequency sets for specific types of joint pain, carpal tunnel, migraines, neuropathy, essential tremors, kidney stones, and more. 

Select the frequencies based on your symptoms or what health problems you have been diagnosed with. The WAVwatch adds another layer of non-invasive, drug-free ideas for self-care. Just use common sense. But it’s important to know that choosing the wrong frequency will not hurt you in any way. 

Step 2: Wear It

Put the WAVwatch on your wrist and choose a sound level that is comfortable for you. Your body absorbs the frequencies for a set period based on your selection. It uses precisely measured waves and vibrations to help finely tune and balance our bodies.

Step 3: Experience It

Resonant frequencies create precise oscillations to harmonize your body gently and quietly without disrupting your day. The acoustical frequencies will help you turn your dis-harmony into harmony.

We’ve seen some fantastic sound-frequency therapy testimonials by following this process. You can read the individual stories by clicking here.