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What Is Sound Therapy Healing, and Are There Side Effects?

About Sound Wave Healing

Sound wave healing is a form of therapy that uses sound waves to promote healing in both the mind and body. People use it as an alternative treatment for physical and mental health issues.

Sound therapy healing aims to improve overall well-being through sound vibrations. Many people believe this therapy positively affects both the body and mind.

Sound waves are vibrations that move through the air or water and affect the body differently based on frequency.

Sounds of low frequency, like those produced by a bass guitar, can aid in relaxation. Conversely, high-pitched noises, such as those produced by a cymbal, can stimulate and invigorate you.

Vibrational healing therapy believes that our bodies can respond positively to sound waves.

Electromagnetic sound therapy may reduce stress, ease pain, and promote relaxation for emotional well-being. Many people believe it improves overall health and emotional fitness.

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There exist two kinds of frequencies. The first type is low energy, which can make you feel guilty and scared. The second type is high-frequency sound wave energy, which can make you feel happy and loved.

You can use both energies for different purposes, such as listening to solfeggio frequencies while sleeping.

You can purchase sound wave devices like the WAVwatch to maximize the benefits of sound. It sends gentle vibrations to your body to help with pain relief and boost the immune system.

What Is Sound Healing Good For?

Sound healing, or music therapy, improves physical and emotional health. Using a sound wave healing machine is an alternative therapy for overall well-being.

The person undergoing this treatment listens to sound healing instruments or uses their voice to create vibrations.

Here are some potential benefits of sound healing:

  1. Stress Reduction: Many people find sound healing a highly effective stress-reducing technique. The calming, harmonious sounds calm the nervous system and help induce relaxation.

  2. Improved Sleep: Sound healing can help regulate sleep patterns. Certain frequencies and rhythms can stimulate the brain to produce hormones that assist with sleep.

  3. Emotional Healing: Sound therapy can help release emotions and promote emotional healing. It can help with anxiety, depression, and emotional trauma.

  4. Enhanced Concentration and Creativity: Certain sound frequencies can stimulate the brain and enhance concentration and creativity.

  5. Pain Management: Some studies suggest that sound healing, including chronic pain conditions, can relieve pain.

  6. Balancing Chakras: In some spiritual traditions, sound healing balances the body's energy centers or chakras.

  7. Certain sounds positively affect blood pressure levels, potentially benefiting heart health by lowering blood pressure.

Sound healing using the 1,000 frequencies on the WAVwatch can help with health issues when used with other treatments.

Sound Healing History

People have used music for centuries to help them work faster, boost morale, and improve focus on tasks. 

According to the Ancient Greeks, music aided in treating and even healing mental illnesses. The ancient Egyptians utilized chants of vowel sounds, while monks employed the sounds generated by Tibetan singing bowls. 

Healing through soundwave involves using voices and musical instruments, often called a sound bath. Most practitioners actually prefer using instruments such as gongs, tuning forks, and crystal singing bowl sound therapy for healing.

Why? These instruments work faster to achieve a therapeutic effect.

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The Science Behind Sound Therapy Healing

Having gained some insight into the historical background of sound healing, let's delve into its scientific aspects. 

How does it work? Let’s take a look: 

The human ear can only hear sounds within a specific frequency range. This range is from 20 to 20,000 hertz (Hz). Our brains process sound wave frequencies and translate them into electrical signals.

These signals go to the thalamus, located in the brain's center. The thalamus then sends these signals to different parts of the brain.

How our brains process acoustic waves can affect our mood, energy, and overall well-being. For example, you may feel tired or drowsy if you listen to music with many low frequencies.

Conversely, if you tune into music with high frequencies, you might experience increased alertness and wakefulness.

Sound wave therapy uses different sound frequencies to create vibrations that can heal physical and mental conditions.

A study found that music at 60 beats per minute can increase alpha waves in the brain. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience reported this. Alpha waves link with calmness and imaginative thinking.

The study suggests that listening to music at this tempo can positively impact brain activity.

Alpha waves indicate relaxation. This means that the music used in the study induced a state of relaxation in the participants.

A recent study found that calming music for 30 minutes daily can lower blood pressure and heart rate. People with high blood pressure saw this over a two-week period.

Hypertension is a condition that can lead to heart disease, stroke, and other serious health problems.

These studies show that sound therapy healing may be a helpful treatment for some conditions.

How The WAVwatch Works

How The WAVwatch Works

Sound frequency therapy is a more advanced form of sound healing. You can use a sound therapy device like the WAVwatch to obtain some of the same results.

Three significant benefits of sound therapy with the WAV watch include:

(1) it’s portable,

(2) It’s a one-time investment,

(3) You don’t need any earbuds or noise. 

Once you purchase the WAVwatch, you can enjoy unlimited sessions. The WAVwatch employs subtle low-wave frequencies that soothe your body and mind.

  • Here's an illustration of how sound frequency therapy functions on the WAVwatch:

  • Select a frequency for your body or mind (like headache, emotions, detox). The WAVwatch has 1000 acoustic frequencies for different problems. The sound waves permeate your body, and you will gradually start unwinding as you take in these waves.

  • Allow the frequency to operate on sound levels 4-7 for the duration that the watch instructs you. It might take several attempts to determine the most suitable frequencies for you.

WAVwatch Review

What is the Price of Sound Healing with Brain Waves?

A single-hour personal sound therapy session with an alpha wave specialist may range in price from $80 to $500. Group sound healing sessions typically cost around $20 to $25 per class. 

Costs fluctuate depending on the facilitator of the session and the techniques they employ.

Choosing a sound healing tool such as the WAVwatch allows you to enjoy unlimited sessions at your convenience for $597.

Side Effects with Sound Healing

The WAVwatchsound wave therapy guarantees no side effects whatsoever. You will not encounter any adverse effects even if you don't align with the correct frequency. 

Dangers Of Singing Bowls

Singing bowls have benefits, but sound vibrations may not be good for some people with specific conditions.

  • Individuals with metallic implants or joint prosthetics need to exercise additional caution.

  • In case you are expecting, it's advisable to seek your physician's advice before trying this method.

  • People with sound-induced epilepsy should avoid singing bowls because they may trigger a response.

  • To put it differently, always seek advice from a healthcare expert prior to adding singing bowls to your therapies.

What Are Binaural Beats?

You create binaural beats when you simultaneously play two tones of slightly different frequencies through headphones. When you listen to two tones played together, your brain will perceive a third tone, a binaural beat.

People say this binaural beat has various impacts on the brain, depending on its frequency. Some believe the beats can help improve focus and concentration or promote relaxation and sleep.

Choosing a recording that is of high quality and made by a reputable source is essential. Be sure to listen to the recording with headphones to experience the full effect of the beats.

Linda Bamber-Olson, Inventor of the WAVwatch Sound Healing Device

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are sound wave therapy beds?

Therapy beds are medical equipment that use acoustic waves to treat various conditions. The therapy delivers waves to the affected body area, which causes the tissue to contract and release. This can help to improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

Many types of sound wave therapy beds are available on the market, each designed to treat a specific condition. If you are considering this type of treatment, you must consult your doctor or healthcare provider to determine which bed is best for you.

Are Tuning Forks Dangerous? Tuning Fork Therapy Side Effects

If you are a beginner, you might undergo " detoxification symptoms." You may be feeling fatigued, heightened sensitivities, or have slight muscle soreness. Often, it only persists for several hours or a single day.

Do healing frequencies truly work?

Some believe certain frequencies can help promote healing by stimulating the body's natural healing processes.

Some studies suggest that sound waves can affect hormone release, leading to less stress and more relaxation.

Certain frequencies can impact physical pain by disrupting nerve pathways that transmit pain signals to the brain. Research shows that specific sound waves may have this effect.

Illustration of Sound Waves


Sound healing is meant to synchronize our brain waves to help us achieve a state of profound relaxation, as well as to help us restore the vibratory cell frequencies in our bodies. 

This practice is meant to heal and rid us of low energy frequencies and subconscious negative beliefs that evoke guilt and fear. Those frequencies should then be lifted into higher ones that evoke happiness, improved focus, and better stress response.  

Regardless of your chosen method, the main takeaway is that you have nothing to lose and plenty to gain!

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